Monday, March 21, 2011


I was in a seminar class a few weeks ago listening to a lecture on the DSM-IV-VTR when I learned that the disorder for narcissism is being taken out of the next edition because most everyone born after 1985 fit the characteristics. Narcissism is now a norm, not a disorder. Isn't that crazy?

We are a generation defined by our love for ourselves.

If you take a minute to reflect, I think you will agree that this is the case.

Since learning that, every kairos I experience seems to be exclusively about me and the condition of my heart.

In essence, it's not about me ... But it's about me.

The Urban Plunge

Dude. Don't know if you've ever been leveled by Jesus, but I totally was. With every session of inductive Bible study, every powerful worship time, and every evening speaker, Jesus exposed all of these attitudes in my heart that were totally breaking His. Many of these were perspectives and frustrations that I'd been projecting onto other people, ways that I had judged others for not sharing my passions and vision. At the end of it all, I realized that I had been acting as if the Body of Christ was about me. I was seeing myself as THE part of the Body, not ONE part. What I realized is that I had started to identify myself by my passions, rather than relying on the Lord for my identity. So crazy.

Here is what I learned: I am who I am because Jesus loves me, not because I love Urban Plunge and Herrera, not because I want to devote my life to helping others, not because I play music and lead worship on occasion. The things that I do are an expression of His love for me. Other parts of the Body do what they do because He first loved them. All different expressions of the same identity. How could I possibly resent those He loves and has given distinct responsibility? Wow.

Clumsy/ Everything

If you've been tracking with me during the past few months, you know that I'm in a D2 season, and character is of the essence. It seems that, lately, I've been falling all over myself in every attempt to keep pressing forward towards D3. My well-rehearsed worship set? So awkward. Communication with those in leadership over me? Terrible. My attention to detail? Lacking. My dependence on Jesus? Missing. Inspiration for growth? Myself. Hmmmm see the connection? All of these random little stories are actually kind of hilarious. If you want a good laugh, I'll tell you each one over coffee sometime.

What I've been learning: My life isn't about me. Revolutionary, isn't it? I feel like I've been living out of my own capacity, talent, and power, not that of Jesus. Ha! No wonder. When I think about it, Jesus has given me a great deal of favor in different areas, but I've not been faithful with it. What does faithfulness look like? Faithfulness looks like being at peace with my weakness and relying on Him for opportunities and strength. Faithfulness looks like releasing everything - all that exists in my life - to Him at every turn.

My will. My emotions. My relationships. My dreams. My worship. My devotion. Everything back to the one who created it.

I got to hear Banning Liebscher speak at Church for the Nations on Saturday night. Oh my goodness. He shared testimony after testimony of God's power being poured out in our generation - people being healed, loved, and raised from the dead. So powerful! He talked about how, as the redeemed, we are in the business of revival, that we could see whole cities come to know Jesus if we allowed ourselves to be set apart to holiness. Not set apart from sin. Set apart to holiness. The reason we separate from sin is to give EVERYTHING (That word again!), every part of ourselves to God, getting authority from Him, and living as slaves to Christ. We can only move in power when we give Jesus everything. Power of salvation and redemption. Isn't that exciting?

The lesson: It's about Jesus and His heart for the world. I am where I am to bring revival. Not to bring Amanda. There is something powerful about choosing Jesus over every other option out there - options like pride, success, and temporary satisfaction. Saying yes to Jesus automatically means saying no to myself. So how do I bring revival? I simply say yes. Yes to Jesus. Yes to His power. Yes to divine reality. Yes to everything, really.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Pot/ the Conclusion

7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.


14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

If I were a perfect pot, completely whole, not cracked in any way, how could people ever experience the living water that is Jesus?

Ha good thing the water's more important than the pot.

Here's to saying no to pot and yes to Him.