Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reflections on Ecuador

I am attempting to pull myself together enough to write about my recent trip to Ecuador. Rather than trying to summarize my experiences, I have decided to type out some excerpts from my journal.

July 7, 2011 - Orientation

"I just feel like there is so much more from God that I am meant to receive on this trip. I feel like God has set me up to encounter more of Him and the things I get will move me toward more healing in my heart for my dad, clarity in my relationship with Taylor, deepened compassion, and challenged faith and perception of miracles. I feel a growth spurt coming on, like my world is about to be rocked upside down and inside out by the Holy Spirit. There is more from Him that I so badly want to receive. It's like I am massively thirsty but can't seem to quench my thirst, all the while wanting gulp after gulp of Jesus. I'll take Him any way I can get Him."

After writing this, I heard God say: "Amanda, start picking your promises, the things you want to receive. I have them all to give you. Healing? Of course. Influence? I will make you glow in the dark. Power poured out? I am your outlet."

July 8, 2011 - Orientation

"I felt like a little girl during worship tonight - my Daddy could do anything and give me everything. I kept feeling like God was brushing against my skin and holding me. It was entirely wonderful. I also feel like He called out all my fears, bubbling them up to the surface and gently brushing them away. They are not gone yet, but I feel lighter. It occurred to me that little girls whose daddy can do anything and give them everything are fearless."

July 10, 2011 - Traveling

"I find it ironic that I walked through gate D1 to board this plane to Guayaquil. I don't know if I have any concept of what to expect. I know the basics, like what I will be doing, but I can't wait to see the ways that Heaven is going to meet earth on this trip. Where am I going to encounter God? What miracles will I see? How will I get to know Him better? For the first time since Wednesday, I feel rested and ready - Before I left, Taylor (stud that he is) reminded me of that verse in Isaiah 40 that talks about running and not growing weary and that God has all the strength in the universe to give me. So good. This is way exciting!"

July 11, 2011 - Ecuador

"So we are in Ecuador. I still don't fully know what to expect, but I'm really tired. Today we are starting our VBS program for the children here. I already find it amazing how simple life is here - happiness requires so little, people only do and buy what they have the resources for, and contentment seems to run rampant. It's the whole idea of trusting God with what He has given me today and trusting Him to provide for me tomorrow (Matthew 6:30-33)."

"Today we prayed for a little boy with a fever - he was completely well and eating lunch a half hour later. It's amazing how much the kids love us and want to be around us just because we are American and come from a country they view as flowing with opportunity and prosperity. I think this runs parallel to the way that we interact with God - when we recognize who He is and that He wants to give us Heaven on earth, we can't help but want to be with Him. This certainly gives new perspective to living like a child..."

July 13, 2011 - Ecuador

I think I am starting to appreciate the ministry of presence so much more. I came here expecting to see God's power and miracles. Though these are definitely ways of sharing the gospel, I am coming to understand how beautiful it is just to be with people. All these kids want is for us to hold them - I think this is the core of Jesus' ministry. Just being there for the sake of others and showing up, no matter the cost. I think that, in some ways, this is harder for me than praying for healing or other miracles."

July 14, 2011 - Ecuador

I think I experienced one of the more beautiful moments of my life tonight. After dinner, we were playing with the kids and I ended up dancing with and holding a couple of the little girls. One of the girls sang a song about Jesus to me. Another girl came and practically fell asleep in my arms. In that moment, despite the fact that I was so tired and had a ton on my mind about home, I wanted nothing more than to be doing what I was doing. I just felt so content! This moment embodied meaning and is completely beyond words to me, especially since I have been struggling with having Jesus' heart of compassion for these kids. In that moment, I heard God saying that this is how He feels when He holds me - overflowing with love and compassion, completely content, and like there is nothing else in the world He would rather be doing."

July 15, 2011 - Ecuador

"I just waved goodbye to some of the most vulnerable and beautiful children I have ever met. When they get off the bus, many of them will go back to families who cannot feed or take care of them. Some will work all weekend, begging for anything they can get. Some will be abused and unloved. Here they have so little, but I can feel the love and the presence of God. It's strange to go from not knowing them to playing with them and sharing most of every day with them to waving goodbye to them as they board a bus back to their families. Talk about emotional whiplash... We all cried as we said goodbye and I'm pretty sure God did too because the sky opened up and it started pouring rain as they got on the bus and drove away from us. I am so heartbroken, but I know there is hope for them - the promises of Jesus still ring true. He loves them, oh how He loves them."

July 17, 2011 - Ecuador

"I am sitting on the beach as I write this. [...] I love seeing the waves crash into the sand; I am trying to figure out what they mean. I love the way the once smooth water heaves itself onto the shore, only to break a second later. I feel like this is the embodiment of surrender - our careers, relationships, etc. move forward until we reach a point where we cannot go any farther unless we break. Movement requires brokenness, surrender."

July 19, 2011 - Traveling

"So I'm sitting on the plane from Miami to LA and my ears are popping so bad. I can feel the pressure in my sinuses and I can barely hear what's going on around me. It's crazy to think that this is all due to a change in altitude. I can't help but think that this can become the condition of my spiritual ears as well. Life change brings on internal pressure that builds, and eventually it is harder to hear God speak, even if this is change brought about by Him in the first place. The solution to this is simple: balance. Just like feeling better as the pressure in my sinuses comes into balance upon landing. As this applies to life, I think that the phrase managing tension makes sense - the more we come into balance in terms of abiding and fruitfulness and up, in, and out the better we can hear God speak to us."


Upon reflecting on my experience over the past few weeks, I feel like God has been extremely intentional in teaching me lessons of what it is to relate to Him as His kid, what it is to depend on Him, and how to engage in the moment like Jesus did. He is incredibly generous and faithful. I think that I'm going to continue unearthing things that He showed me while in Ecuador and I'm totally excited for it.