Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fathers be good to your Daughters (and vice versa)

I feel like I am in a new season of learning my identity with God on a much deeper level. I think it's amazing how limitless all of this is - I feel like I have received a lot from Him in this area, but I have realized that I need more.

Starting with PT, God has totally been inviting me to be His daughter. There were so many times in Ecuador when I could hear Him teaching me lessons about being a child, specifically His child. If you know me well, you know that my relationship with my dad is really complicated and difficult for a variety of reasons. In the midst of that, God has been way intentional in healing parts of my heart as they were ready to receive it.  This is definitely a season of more - Learning to see Him as Father is making me an even better daughter.  I didn't sign up for this, nor did expect it, but I feel like this season is equipping me to be a better wife, an amazing parent someday, and an even more enthusiastic lover of life.

This is the kind of relationship and the kind of Father I am discovering: 
  • Little girls who have a healthy relationship with their dads are confident and humble - they know where they stand with their dad; they know they are wanted and loved and do not have to pursue attention elsewhere.
  • Women who have a healthy relationship with their dads are interdependent - They are able to do things on their own, but still depend on their dads for love and support.
  • Fathers balance the invitation of unconditional love and acceptance and the challenge of pushing their daughters to reach their greatest potential.
  • Great dads balance giving their daughters what they need and want and teaching their daughters to to access those things on their own.
  • They fight. In they end, they both feel heard, understood, and loved.
  • Good dads know what they are talking about and give solid advice to their daughters who, in turn, receive and apply it.
  • Daughters obey their fathers not because they have to, but because they want to out of respect and appreciation for his authority.
  • Little girls whose dads can do anything and give them everything are completely fearless.
  • Dads don't let their daughters go hungry, naked, or unsheltered. They will do anything to protect them, make every sacrifice necessary to provide.
  • They spend quality time together. Time marked by delighting in each other and becoming closer.  
What I have been learning is that I cannot get closer to God, my Father, without letting Him free me from the resentments I hold towards my earthly dad.  It's simply impossible.  Painful.  Wonderful. Humbling. The more I see that He loves me, the more I can admit that I am wrong when I have overstepped my bounds.  The more I understand about the reoccurring miracles that came from His sacrifice, the more I feel convicted to forgive things that once seemed irreparable.  For everything that I lack from my dad, my Father gives to me a hundred fold.  I have watched Him provide for me over and over again.  I have felt His comforting embrace time and time again.  I have been challenged by His sweetness and selflessness more times than I can count. 

This is only the start of all of this.  Love.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I love the Postal Service [and Jesus]

Today, I found Jesus in Brand New Colony. That is all.

I'l be the grapes fermented, bottled and served with the table set in my finest suit like a perfect gentleman [I will be everything needed to sustain and satisfy you; eat and drink of me]

I'll be the fire escape that's bolted to the ancient brick where you will sit and complete your day [I will be your refuge; make your home in me and explore my dreams for you]

I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning in an open tab when your judgement's on the brink [I will renew your mind when your thoughts overwhelm you]

I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite albums back as you're lying there drifting off to sleep... [I will sing over you in your rest and tell you how much I love you]

I'll be the platform shoes and undo what heredity's done to you; you won't have to strain to look into my eyes [I will redeem your past and free you of shame so that you can grow closer to me]

I'll be your winter coat buttoned and zipped straight to the throat with the collar up so you won't catch cold [I will protect you and barricade you off from anything that seeks to harm you or take away what I have promised you]

I want to take you far from the cynics in this town and kiss you on the mouth [Come away with me, away from the fears that surround you and fight for your attention]

We'll cut our bodies free from the tethers of this scene, start a brand new colony [I will free you from the bondages of death and give you Life]

Where everything will change, we'll give ourselves new names (identities erased) [I will renew and deepen your identity as love, daughter, and warrior princess]

The sun will heat the ground under our bare feet. In this brand new colony, everything will change [In this adventure we are on, I will take you gently by the hand and lead you into radical life change]

Upcoming themes in my life: Rest, Identity, Guidance, Dependence, Freedom. Let's do this.