Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome to my Orchard

I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm on the cusp of huge change (for reals this time). My future is still smacking me in the face... And on and on.

I just feel like there is so much to celebrate. Even though a lot of this stuff seems huge and ridiculous and crazy, it's really ... not. Even the really hard stuff has an aura of easy and lightness about it.

I know that seems strange, so let me explain. I've finally reached a point in my life where I understand the assets that God has given me and how to use them - I'm finally starting to see tangible fruit from the work that Jesus has been doing in my heart.

These are some of the trees Jesus has cultivated to fruition:


This is what brings Jesus' word to life for me and the method by which I get to experience the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Everything that happens to me is an opportunity for it. By simply figuring out what God is saying and applying it, I've seen breakthrough after breakthrough in several areas of my life. I've become a junkie - I'm so addicted and I know how to get my fix.


It keeps me safe and gives me the strength to fight the enemy. The parts I connect with most right now are the breast plate and the peace cleats. Right relationship with God covers my heart from damage. I have come to understand that guarding my heart is more about pursuing a relationship with Jesus and less about saying 'no' to the wrong kind of boy. Peace keeps me steadfast and holds me to His promises. From a place of peace, I am no longer knocked down by the blows of the enemy. Peace is spiritual victory, a powerful weapon against the chaos of this world.


It may sound cheesy, but I'm starting to view the reading of my Bible as a feast where I get to partake of something incredibly rich and sacred. I've seen entire days turn from bad to good, just from taking breaks to remind myself of truths concerning my identity, God's power, and the fact that He's always got my back. Romans 8 is a favorite right now. More than a conqueror!


You know who you are.

You're the people who kick my butt when I need it. You encourage me and remind me of God's promises. You laugh at me and with me. You supply me with tons of vision and grace. You cry with me. You put up with my crazy infp shenanigans. You ask me how my week is going. You buy me coffee. You intercede on my behalf. You help me with my car stuff. You teach me everything you know. You put up with the fact that I am always 5+ minutes late. We have lots of conversations in parking lots. You write on my facebook wall and send me lots of messages. You let me hang out at your house a lot. You write me letters. You lead lives worth imitating.

I feel so wealthy and so privileged, knowing that God wants to give me everything. What I've received thus far is abundant and amazing. Ha and there's more!

Hello, D3. I kind of like you so far.

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