Monday, July 13, 2009


I'm at my Project Timothy Site right now - Hollywood in Los Angeles, CA. Hollywood is such an interesting neighborhood - there are many instances of wealth, but probably even more instances of poverty. Interesting. We are in the computer lab with some of the kids at a program called RED SHIELD, which is a day camp for kids living in LA. Later on this week, we will be serving meals in a shelter on skid row, and working as teachers assistants in a charter school. We also are going to be exploring Hollywood a little bit. And then going to church in Paramount, CA. Can I just say that this is amazing? We will be working with an organization called DOOR for the rest of the week. I'm kind of thinking that I would like to work with DOOR when I grow up. It's kind of like confirmation for the calling on my life. It feels so amazingly right. I love it! Continue to pray for my team and the other teams in Jamaica, Japan, and Texas, as we continue to serve this week. I'll write more when I get back, I promise.

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