Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just Like Spandex

This has been a really huge week of growth for me. Each day, I would wake up feeling like I couldn't even handle my life.

'Ugh another day where I don't get to do what I want.'

'Man, I can't believe I'm involved in so much right now.'

'I can't do this. I don't know how. I don't want to. '

Each day, there was this moment when the heavy and seemingly impossible became easy and light, when I was able to just surrender and feel His presence settle over me. I don't think I understood that I could even stretch this much, that I could even have the capacity to run with this much endurance.

I think this can be attributed to the fact that it's not me against the world, It's Jesus and me against the world. We're in this together. I'm His Mrs. Incredible. I love the way that Jesus is ready to prove Himself to me at every moment where I feel like the world is just too much. The truth is that the world is never overwhelming to Him because He already conquered it. Therefore, I am more than a conquerer in Him.

Because He is in me, I have everything I need to face the day. Everything. He is Everything. Because He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world, I have the power to stretch and fight for what I believe in, to run the race with endurance, to receive the highest prize.

Abide. Stretch. Grow. Learn. Run. Conquer.

Watch the world be redeemed.

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