Friday, February 12, 2010

Not to Mention Valentines Day

I love my life right now. I feel like so many dreams are coming true.

I have been pressing in for a job at Starbucks for 2 months because I knew that God was calling me to serve coffee to people. Well, I didn't get a job at Starbucks. I got a job at an awesome little coffee shop that fits me even better. I started training there this week, and it feels even more perfect all the time. The whole time that I was praying for a job, I kept telling God how I wanted to have time to do ministry. Welllll, the schedule is so perfect for that. I'm going to be working three mornings a week, and maybe picking up a few weekends starting in March.

I also started interning in student ministries. It doesn't really mean anything different from what I was doing before, but it does give me a title and a reference for a resume. I'm still unsure how I feel about it. I kind of want to do more, but it's probably best if I don't since my life is crazy as it is.

God has totally answered my prayer for deep-spirited friends. I feel so uplifted and energized every time I hang out with Brittney and Madi. This is another way that God has provided like crazy. These girls totally understand life and where I'm coming from. We were just made to be friends. Plain and simple. It's incredible to think that God has placed us in each other's lives. Instead of obsessing over boyfriends and status, like so many girls our age, we are choosing to focus all our love on Jesus, and we hold each other to that.

I cannot believe that my life-long friend, Emily, is getting married in a month! It seems like just yesterday that we were walking to the Circle K and climbing trees together. Being a bridesmaid is completely new territory for me. I've never been in a wedding before. I wish her the best, and I am praying for wisdom for her and her soon-to-be husband, George.

I keep falling more madly in love with Jesus all the time. It just feels so easy to me. Every time I step forward and ask for more of the Holy Spirit, I just receive it. It's changing the very person I am. I walk with a confidence and authority that is all His. Realizing how much He loves me and how much He wants to radically transform my very being continues to inspire me to live a bolder, more visible life. I used to try to be invisible because of all the insecurities I had, but now I just want people to see Him in all His glory. He is so wonderful and I owe everything I am to Him.

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