Monday, March 8, 2010

Four Little Letters

I'm sitting here finding it difficult to do something right now, so I might as well blog :] Idealist. I've been so busy that I've had to live my life like a J lately, and that's been really hard. I can't wait to live like a P again. Okay, that's enough Myers-Briggs for now.

My life has been so crazy lately. It feels really good now that I'm starting to get back to semi-normal life. School. Work. Internship. Friends. That, I can handle.

I'm so stoked for Urban Plunge next weekend. There is nothing right now that could be closer to my heart. I'm so excited to be on leadership for this. I've just got to get through this week and and the wedding on Saturday.

I've been having a lot of Kairos moments lately - circular moments when it just feels like time stands still. I've processed some of them in my huddle, but I really just need introvert time. Maybe that's what I'm missing.

A lot of these Kairos moments revolve around:

-Jr. High students
-Callouses on my fingers from playing guitar
-Holy Spirit moments at Open Heaven
-Leading worship with Chris and Kelsi Jo Ozorio
-God's heart for the poor
-Sunday nights at Pure Heart
-Wild at Heart by John Eldredge
-Pandora radio
-Urban Plunge leaders meetings
-Toddy+half & half + chocolate and caramel sauce
-My spazzy laptop
-Fletcher Library
-New relationships

Hmmmm this is definitely a time of intense growth. I kind of love it.

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