Monday, October 18, 2010

50 Things You Probably Never Wanted to Know

1. I really like Ritz crackers.
2. I buy most of my clothes at thrift stores.
3. I like lemon in my water.
4. I' m an idealist.
5. I chew on my cuticles sometimes.
6. I'm always thinking of 3 different ways to say things at any given time. Sometimes I get them mixed up.
7. Working at a coffee shop has made me appreciate plain old coffee and tea so much more.
8. I once had pneumonia for almost a month.
9. I used to watch the movie Thumbelina every Saturday morning when I was 6.
10. I had my first alcoholic drink about a month ago. It gave me a headache.
11. I don't like my food to touch.
12. I'd rather play first and work later.
13. I have my ears pierced, but don't wear earrings because my ears are freakishly allergic to any kind of metal.
14. I like odd numbers because they are symmetrical.
15. I speak in analogies.
16. I read 4 books at a time.
17. I used to want to be a lawyer. Or an imagineer. Or a ballerina.
18. I detest ranch on salads, but can tolerate it on most anything else.
19. I'd really like to marry Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series.
20. I don't know all the words to most of my favorite songs.
21. My strongest areas of ministry are currently prophet and apostle. I sometimes wish I was a better teacher and pastor at this point in my life. (...3dm five-fold ministry)
22. I often get bored with the present and start dreaming about the future.
23. I'd really like to backpack through Europe someday.
24. I always communicate better in writing.
25. I am an Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiver.
26. I extravert my intuitive and introvert my feeler.
27. I would spend every evening on my back porch if I could.
28. I think ASU West is romantic.
29. My favorite drink is a 24 ounce iced coffee with an ounce of vanilla, 2 splenda, and about a quarter inch of half & half.
30. I never feel like I get all of my ideas out clearly when speaking.
31. I talk really fast about the things I am passionate about. Emphatic hand gestures are usually a given.
32. I try to find a coffee shop in every new place I visit.
33. I can quote almost all of the movie Ever After.
34. I have a habit of empathizing with the pain of characters in the movies.
35. If I find that I have used incorrect grammar or spelling in a facebook post, I will delete it and rewrite it.
36. I like a vegetarian burrito at Chipotle - not because I'm a vegetarian, though. I just really like guacamole.
37. I used to play the oboe.
38. The shade of my hair color is rosewood, natural instincts #30.
39. I'm 6 feet tall when I wear high heels.
40. I smile real big when people reference philosophy and literature. Seriously, it makes my day.
41. I need 15 minutes in the morning before I can talk to you.
42. Details and structure stress me out a little bit.
43. I wear my relationship status on my finger. It's an Irish thing.
44. I think I could spend a whole day at the Phoenix Art Museum.
45. Wearing a pea coat is one of my favorite parts of winter.
46. The texture of certain foods bothers me more than taste.
47. I used to get in trouble for singing during class when I was in elementary school.
48. White gummy bears are my favorite.
49. I wear less make up now than I did in jr. high.
50. I have never relied so much on my planner in my entire life.

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