Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm at a major crossroads when it comes to a couple of events in my life.

First, as you well know, I REALLY want to move out next year. God hasn't really given me a clear answer on this yet, and its so frustrating! Well, He kind of has. I just have the words "Be faithful, for I am faithful" floating around my head like a broken record. All. Day. Long. Sometimes, I don't even know what that means. I'm so impatient, I know.

The second thing is that I signed up to attend Project Timothy, which is basically a mission trip attended by kids in RCA churches. Up until last week, I had no intention of doing it, then I was asked to apply. I prayed about, and I started the application
proccess on faith. Well, the devil is in the details because the cost of paying for the trip and the missed income from working those two weeks is more than enough to make me doubt, especially when it comes to the plans in the above paragraph. The name of this trip is, ironically enough, "Faith Factor." God likes to laugh. Anyways, I'm still not completely sure that I'm supposed to go through with it, but I'm trying to be faithful to God. and He has only ever told me to be faithful in regards to this.

I love the fact that God is faithful, but I want some answers already.

Possibly off topic, I was redirected to this verse, and have found it increasingly meaningful to me:

"God told them, "I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!And so now I'll start over with you and build you up again, dear virgin Israel.You'll resume your singing, grabbing tambourines and joining the dance.You'll go back to your old work of planting vineyards on the Samaritan hillsides,And sit back and enjoy the fruit— oh, how you'll enjoy those harvests!The time's coming when watchmen will call out from the hilltops of Ephraim:'On your feet! Let's go to Zion, go to meet our God!'"-Jeremiah 31:3-6


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