Sunday, November 22, 2009

Threshold Season

If you haven't heard of Joseph Campbell, you probably haven't heard of the Heroic Journey. I'll bet you anything that you've lived one, though. So it goes like this: You get called to adventure, you enter the journey by stepping across the threshold, people in your life function as helpers when you face challenges associated with your mission, you face your fears in the belly of the whale, you experience death and rebirth, and you receive a boon, which is basically a reward.

I'm so obsessed with the power of journey and story in my life right now. I recently moved from my old room into what used to be the guest bedroom. Sorting through all my junk was a big part of this move, and while doing so, I uncovered many artifacts of my journey up to this point. I'm so in awe right now of the way that God has been preparing my heart to step over the line and live the adventure that he has for me.

I received a powerful, undeniable call to adventure during the summer when the fire of Holy Spirit made a me a carrier of God's heart for Social Justice. I've been exploring this call for the last 4 months or so, and I feel this incredible urgency to take the next step, to leap over that threshold. In his book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Donald Miller writes, "Here's the thing about telling stories with your life. It's going to sound like a great idea, and you are going to get excited about it, and then when it comes time to do the work, you're not going to want to do it. [...] People love to have lived a great story, but few people like the work it takes to make it happen. But JOY costs pain." It's time for me to do the work!

This is one of the weirdest, most intense feelings I've ever had. Half of what God is telling me almost doesn't make sense. He's calling me to sacrifice. He's promising blessings. He's giving me an urgent peace. This is just so incredibly odd. As a part of crossing the threshold, I quit my job, because I sensed that God wanted to bless me even more. I've committed to teaching others about God's passion for His people. My life is so unwritten right now, it's crazy,but I wouldn't have it any other way.

This is such a sweet season of life because I'm incredibly humbled by His grace, overwhelmed by what He has called me to, and so motivated to do His work. This is the Threshold Season.

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