Sunday, December 20, 2009


This season just feels ... different. I'm definitely seeing things in a new way this year. Advent has been a bigger part of my life than ever before. In years past, I've always bypassed Advent because it wasn't even the main event. This year, however, Advent is hitting me upside the head. God is definitely preparing me, fashioning me to be more like Him. It's kind of hard, but it feels oh so good to just hang with Him. I'm learning to abide in Him so that I can increase my capacity for producing Fruit. It's good. Sometimes I just lay on my back and cry because I'm so humbled by His goodness. Other times, I sketch and paint or pick up my guitar. This abide piece is sooo good for me! So refreshing! For the first time in my life, I feel like my life is balanced - God is pouring so much out of me (This is a season of Fruitfulness), but He's also pouring so much into me. He is blessing me with so many new opportunities and new friendships. It's so good to have Deep Spirited friends again. I've finally found some people who see life the same way I do and who value me. I also joined a discipleship group, known as a Huddle, where I'm learning to let Holy Spirit take more control of my life. And then, on the other side of that scale, I'm starting a new ministry called Louder Than Words (, and investing in youth ministry more than I ever have before. SO CRAZY.

So I quit my job last month because it couldn't support my growing capacity for ministry. As of mid-January, I am out of there! Holy Spirit has been whispering things in my head about Starbucks lately. So I've been filling out applications, and I know of a couple stores I want to apply at. I'm just so nervous to ask for a job, and so afraid of rejection! I know that He goes before and after me, but it's so hard to trust that He will provide. But seriously, when has He ever failed me? I just need to get over myself and do it. I also know that It's on my heart to intern in Student Ministries next semester, which is something I never thought of doing until this year. It's just up to Him to provide the right ministry opportunities.

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