Sunday, April 11, 2010

Clarity isn't just a song by John Mayer

Mmmmm what a lovely day. I've felt so stirred up over the past few weeks over some pictures that the Lord has given me. Based on what God was showing me, I thought that He was possibly leading me into a relationship. The only thing was that I had no clue where to start, I just felt plagued by so much confusion and distraction. I know that every word from God is Life and Peace - the fact that I felt so crazed was total proof that I didn't fully understand what He was showing me. I began to process it in the context of my community, the people closest to me. While doing that, I realized that there there were parts of the picture that I couldn't interpret. I had been trying so hard to understand the big picture that I had neglected the details. INFP's like me tend to do things like that sometimes. :)

I desperately needed to process this dream with the One who had given it to me. I had the opportunity last night to go on a little date with God, and to seek His clarity in the details. He is the most faithful Love out there. Seriously, if you don't know, ask Him for anything and He'll provide. He so beautifully revealed the truth behind all those little things I couldn't understand about the picture - it was gentle and reassuring. Life and Peace. This next horizon of my life is near, and His Spirit has gone ahead to prepare a place for me there. He showed me that all I need to do is to see where the Holy Spirit is resting.

That part of me that was distracted and anxious before is so peaceful now. This is how it was meant to be. Sweet clarity.

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