Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thanks, Bro(s)

Dear guys,

My two best friends and I were talking about you last night. Don't take this the wrong way, we're not interested in dating any of you, but we did come to realize that we really appreciate some of the things that you do.

I'm pretty sure you know who you are.

You're the guys that tell us we look nice without hitting on us.

You're the guys that come talk to us and make us feel like we matter, without giving us the wrong idea.

You're the guys who go out of your way to give us a high five.

You're the guys who remember the things that are important to us.

You're the guys who watch out for us when other guys are acting like idiots.

You're the guys that encourage us to make decisions that reflect God's best.

Basically, we love it when you treat us like sisters. I'm really satisfied to say that I have a lot of great brothers right now. So keep up the good work!

We love you!


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