Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Possibilities of Now

Okay, so life has so much potential right now. I don't even really know what that means, but that's just the way it feels. Ha!

I don't think I've ever really realized how many directions I could go at any moment. It's kind of like looking at my closet - all of the clothes fit, but are all of them really appropriate for the season, occasion, etc.? I'm naturally accustomed to seeing the potential in any situation; sometimes the possibilities are extremely exciting. Other times, though, they can be very overwhelming.

Okay, so now I should probably share a practical life example. Over the summer, I felt like God was possibly calling me away next summer to do some kind of mission work. All summer long, my heart jumped at the chance to dream of all that was ahead. But lately, I don't have any peace about it. It's almost burdensome to think of all of the things that could be in the next year of my life.

Blah, I'm so future-oriented, it's ridiculous! I'm becoming increasingly settled in this season, which means that I'm naturally already starting to dwell in what the future looks like. Once a current season of life is not new, it becomes a bit dull. As a result, my dreams seem manageable and out of proportion all at the same time.

Past kairoses about this exact thing have proved that God is always up to something right now. Not soon. Not later. Not in a while. Now.

So, I'm learning to thank God for all that I see going on around me. My heart is full because I know that God seeks to use my present circumstances as preparation for the future.

Things I love about the present:

  • Covenant relationship with Jesus
  • Guy friends who honor me
  • Saturdays
  • My big kid sippy cup
  • Huddle with Kelsi, Becky, Shellie, Alysa, Megan, Cat, Yvonne, and Jordan
  • Doing ministry at CCCSM and being mentored by Chris O.
  • Conversations with my momma
  • Accountability friendship with Brittney and Madi
  • Pandora radio
  • Small Group
  • Zumba
  • TOMS
  • Cabin Coffee
  • God's infinite resource
  • Louder Than Words
  • Constantly renewed creativity
  • My planner lol
  • Thrift stores
... You get the point.


  1. Dude, every-time I read your blog I think, "Man. This girl can write..." I love it! :) Your examples are always so perfect.

    "I don't think I've ever really realized how many directions I could go at any moment. It's kind of like looking at my closet - all of the clothes fit, but are all of them really appropriate for the season, occasion, etc.?"

    genius. :)

    p.s. I feel ya on all the possibilities... It CAN become overwhelming... you could do ANYthing! I suggest going with what you are most passionate about because the Lord has given you that passion! :)
